In January Anglian Water submitted proposals to relocate the Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant to the Planning Inspectorate. This is known as asking for a Development Consent Order (DCO).
Applications such as this are, unsurprisingly, highly complex and having had constructive early discussions with the Planning Inspectorate, the company asked them to pause the processing of the application in order to provide them with some further information requested. This is not unusual during with an application of this complexity and it will not have any impact on the overall timescales for the project.
Anglian Water has now provided this information in a resubmitted application on the 28th of April. The Planning Inspectorate has 28 days to determine if the DCO application will be accepted for examination. Should the application be accepted for examination, anyone interested in the project can then register as an interested party. Interested parties will be kept informed of the examination process and invited to participate and have their say.
A final decision whether to grant Development Consent could take place mid-late 2024 and will be made by the Secretary of State for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
If you have any queries regarding the resubmission of the application or the project, please get in touch using the details on the ‘contact us’ page.